Selam Kifle is an Ethiopian writer, living and working in Addis Ababa. Her writing focuses on memoir, personal narrative, historical context and poetry. She writes in her native language of Amharic. Below, please find selections of her most recent work.


Life in memory, Country in Scenery, Parts 1 & 2

This book begins with an overview of Ethiopian history in feudal times, and moves into the era of the 1970s revolution. It then follows the beginnings of the exodus of refugees from Ethiopia. Moving into memoir and personal narrative, Ms. Kifle speaks to how her personal story intertwines with this grand-scale political history.

Love Story

Love story: When the mother is strong, the children will succeed

This book traces the complexities of love in a small neighborhood of Addis Ababa. We peak in on the intrigues of relationships, children, jealousy, hard work, and the eventual success of the next generation.


Life and health for All

In this work, Ms. Kifle focuses on the environment and our need to protect, save, and treasure the nature around us. She urges us to use our awareness to make better choices in our everyday lives, especially as it relates to living in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


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